i'm in long hair that time and I look super young isnt I?
This is when i'm form 3 too!!! in SMK Seri Saujana!!
all prefects!! how cute~
Jason and I
I look so shy in this pictures..
all wet.. wootz.. sexy pictures taken by fanfan!!
I look so shy in this pictures..
During jia hao's bday party!! 2007..
During jia hao's bday party!! 2007..
all wet.. wootz.. sexy pictures taken by fanfan!!
hahaha.. pool side party rock!!!
we're the only person that playing crazily!!!
can wait for the another one~
and last but not least
** cough cough**
I've changed my blog skins!!
I just love the cupcakes at the corner and on my every post!!
Yum yum!! eat it!!!!! rawwww
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