Sunday, October 11, 2009

a new look for myself,

nice clothes,

lovin' it!

jia you, hope i can be thinner and thinner,
and thinner..

moe get her own new look too.
very satisfied!

i bought moe a new black pants from romp.

moe bought me a sport shoes
*picture wil be uploaded soon*

cosmestic from da jie!
i can draw smoky eyes very soon

and not forgetting,
from my beloved aunt.

thats something i wanted for so long!

*hmmm hmmm*
me and moe did some crazy stuff today,
we went to buy magnum n toto.
thought of buying our birth date which is 1010 but they not allowed us to buy due to its *red number* so we bought 9110,and 7900 mana tau,

1100 turn out!
