Monday, March 31, 2008


i really love babies...
especially baby gurls...
so desperate to have one..
u sure think that this karyan is so sei bintai.. if u want baby then go hav one with ur bf le rite?
but u noe i cant do that..
but nvm.. luckily i hav a baby sister... ( thanks to mei jie)
but of course.. not all babies are cute...
but something we cant deny is tat baby's stuff is so bloody cute....
how can you stand all these lil shoes shoes...flowery shoeshere comes a pair of pink one...^^

my baby will b very sporty in this pair of sport shoes..

n of course.. this is my favourite.. the baby disney series...
cute rite...

i really wanted to have a baby larh.... ><
and ya.. forgotten to tell u guys yesterday was my neighbour's baby full moon.. so,happy one month day to this cute lil new born baby gurll...

me n 4ever me,